DualCure™ 180
Polyaspartic DTM
High Gloss
DualCure 180 is an ideal option for manufacturers that require a single coat fast-cure application with excellent long-term performance. 180 is a true Direct to Metal finish (DTM) coating that dries quickly without the need for heat or curing ovens. DualCure™ 180 contains anti-corrosive additives to offer excellent long term protection in moderate environments. Resistant to fresh water, salt water, fumes and spills of mild chemicals. DualCure™ 180 is recommended for commercial and industrial use on machinery, trailers, containers, implements, structures and vehicles.
- Excellent Color and Gloss Retention
- Hi-Gloss Finish
- Increased Productivity
- Flexible with high impact and abrasion resistance
- 1-Hr. Dry Time, No Heat Cure
- Good Corrosion Resistance
- Heavy-Duty Machinery
- Trailers
- Oil and Gas
- Containers
- Implements
- Exterior Steel